Art Tutorials
Vic has a growing number of art tutorials available, suitable for beginners and advances artists. The tutorials cover a variety of subjects and mediums, focusing on wildlife and pets, but there are also some portrait tutorials.
There are a large number of free tutorials available on YouTube, and a large and growing selection exclusively available for Patreon members.
To make accessing the tutorials easier for Patreon members, we have added links below, which will allow you to click on the link, log into your Patreon account, and watch a specific tutorial from any number of devices.
Vic started creating online tutorials on YouTube in March 2020. He has a growing number available free for anyone to follow, and he also created the workshop box sets to accompany the tutorials. These box sets allow people to purchase the full kit, get it delivered to their home, and then follow along with the tutorial.
To see all Vic's free tutorials, click on the YouTube logo and subscribe. To see all Vic's accompanying box sets, click HERE
Vic joined Patreon in April 2020. Patreon is an international platform, giving people from across the world access to his exclusive tutorials. There are currently 4 membership tiers available: Kitten, Adult Cat, Wild Cat and Senior Cat.
All tiers have a variety of benefits, from exclusive tutorials, giveaways, behind the scenes footage and images, discount vouchers, and free workshop box sets. The latest tier, Wild Cat, is a tier that members not only get free exclusive tutorials, discount vouchers and entry into free raffles, but by becoming a Wild Cat, you support our efforts in rehabilitating wildlife and domestic kittens and cats, something we have done for many years. This enables us to buy food, medication, equipment, supplements, bedding and covers travel costs for collecting and releasing wildlife. Wild Cats and Senior Cats will get updates, videos, photos and information about the wild and domestic animals in our care.
If you are interested in joining Vic as a Patreon member, please click on the Patreon logo above.
Below is a list of exclusive tutorials for Patreon members. Simply click on the link for the tutorial you would like to watch, login to Patreon, and watch.
Please click on the image to go to the Patreon tutorial link...
Coming soon...
Squirrel in Graphite & White Pencil
Pastel on Velour Techniques
Sketching a Portrait in Chiaroscuro